Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Spring 1934 Diary Entry


Spring of 1934

  Dear Diary,

   I can’t believe The Silverton Home for Girls has been open for several months now! Time sure flies, but life has been so good. Not long ago this was just a big dusty mansion with not a bit of love, but now it’s a home echoing with laughter and joy in every corner. 

   In the evenings I sit out back on the porch swing and watch. I watch the girls running back and forth, enjoying the space to really breath—space some of them have never known. I watch the chickens pecking around the ground for bugs, before finally making their way to their coop before darkness fully covers the land. I watch the sun slowly sink into the horizon, casting a beautiful orange glow over all the yard. 

     Well, it’s getting too dark to write further, so I’ll close for now. Keep pressing onward and keep your eyes fixed up toward our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When we fix our eyes on ourselves or this world we feel hopeless and discouraged. It’s only when we fix our eyes on Him that we can have true peace.

