Saturday, June 27, 2020

Q & A

     Hello everyone! So, I've had this blog for several months now, but I'm wondering, how many people actually read it? If you read my blog, would you mind commenting below to let me know? I'm just curious to see if I have any readers.
     Also, I think it would be fun to tell you all a little bit more about myself, Evangeline. I'm going to try to do it in a Q & A post soon, so please leave questions for me in the comment section! They can be silly or serious, anything you want! 
     I can't wait to hear from you all! 


Wednesday, June 17, 2020


     Where I grew up, there were elephants. Massive, regal, and quite intimidating if you get too close, these creatures are quite amazing. I know that most of you probably didn't get to grow up seeing elephants pass by your house, so I thought it'd be fun to share a little bit about them!

     Indian elephants, although smaller than African elephants, are still one of the largest animals in the world. Whenever they would walk past the Mission house where I grew up, the ground would shake. At first I was terrified, wondering if the ground would break open, but after living there for awhile, I grew accustomed to it, and actually began to enjoy it. Since we lived right in town, I would always get to see the royal processions go by, which almost always would included at least one elephant!

     Indian elephants are a brownish-grey, and are covered with a layer of short hairs, which actually work to cool them off. They feed mostly on grasses, but will eat the bananas right off your trees if you let them! 

     Elephants are really interesting animals, and very smart. They've been known to use things as tools when they're trying to accomplish something, and have a very long memory. 
     While they usually wouldn't bother us, Mama Sarah warned me when I went to get water to never approach one. Due to their massive size, they can be very dangerous.

     Elephants are such special creatures and I was so blessed to be able to grow up near them! I hope you enjoyed learning about them today. Have you ever seen an elephant?