Saturday, June 27, 2020

Q & A

     Hello everyone! So, I've had this blog for several months now, but I'm wondering, how many people actually read it? If you read my blog, would you mind commenting below to let me know? I'm just curious to see if I have any readers.
     Also, I think it would be fun to tell you all a little bit more about myself, Evangeline. I'm going to try to do it in a Q & A post soon, so please leave questions for me in the comment section! They can be silly or serious, anything you want! 
     I can't wait to hear from you all! 



  1. I read this! I admit that sometimes I skip some posts or skim others, but I do read it other times. ;)

    1. I'm so glad! Thank you for letting me know!

  2. Hello. I have some questions.

    1. who do you live with?

    2. where are you living?

    3. Why is your profile picture not in color, but your other pictures are?

    4. Who drew the Blueridge Folks? it looks as if it were an amazing artist. Whoever that is, you should pay her.

    5. How old are you?

    6. Who wrote, 'A Greater Purpose'?

    7. I didn't know you had computers in the 18' hundreds...............??????

    That's all.

    1. Thanks Ellie! I can’t wait to answer these!

  3. Hi, do you know Laura? if you do, can you tell her I commented on her blog?
